WATCH ONLINE : SMILE (Japanese Drama) Bito - a half Filipino-Japanese guy (Jun Matsumoto) Hayashi Seiji -(Oguri Shun) Hana - (Yui Aragaki)

Episode 7


  1. The video was removed. (ToT)

  2. Poor Bito, he is provoked to kill Hayashi because Hayashi plans to "Yarihoudai" (Do it all what he wants to do.) on Hana-chan. And the bad thing, the one who holds the lighter, he is Hayashi's father, so from the preview, maybe that guy blame it all on Bito....

    I almost cried when he kicked her like crazy.....

  3. how destiny roll events is cruel...

    everything will all appear as if Bito really planned to kill Hayashi.

    1. He said to everyone, "I need to be strong" before he leaves. Maybe they will think he planned it all.

    2. His fingerprints is in the gun.... the first about having his name written on the paper is kinda lame, isn't it? Why would anyone put their real name if they would commit a crime?

    3. No witness to the events. I'm not sure if everyone would believe poor Hana due to speaking disorder.

    on the bright side, Hana is cute when showing signs of jealousy. かわいい!

  4. arrrghh..

    that Seiji!

    I almost thought he really changed for good asking for advice...



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